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Tantra: A Brief Explanation/Introduction



by Zoraida Catalina Perez-Haddad

A Definition of Tantra
Tantra is Sankrit for "a tool for weaving/expanding consciousness"
TAN: thread, web, stretch,  TRA: tool, instrument
Tantra is 'yoga'- a mystical science, which tries to weave one's consciousness, spirituality into greater depths and understanding of the mind, humanity and the universe

Tantra is a very ancient practice


Sex and Spirituality, in the East and West

Sex and spirituality are two sides of the same coin and in the East, this has been long recognised. However, in the West, there has been a disjuncture between the two, although the 1960's heralded a more relaxed attitude to sex.  However, with the advent of birth control, sex is perhaps seen as "hedonism"- which although a far more positive take on "sex is dirty" etc, it does not reflect a general holism on sexuality, relationships, self-esteem and the general well-being of society.

Although Tantra is  (and has been for the last 10 years now) better known in the West, it is still misunderstood. Like "bellydance", Tantra has been seen purely as sexual (therapy), rather than something that comes out of holism and a desire to heal all.

Tantra uses sexual energy- the primal force of our very existence ( after all, without sex and fertility, none of us would be here!)- to develop a spiritual consciousness.

Many world religions tend to advocate celibacy, when on a spiritual quest. Tantra, while not a religion, does not.

Tantra is a way of being, or seeing, or living, incorporating the" male" and" female "aspects of personality, respecting men and women, being karmically aware of one's behaviour thoughts and attitudes to each other.



Unity of Tantra

Tantra reinforces inter-connectedness, not separation. It is not a judgemental science, as experience teaches us about ourselves and others.   Self-knowledge, as with Ancient Greek philosophy, is important.
The Roots of Tantra in India

Tantra evolved in India, around the 6th century(?) CE, as a protest against the Hindu caste system and to help make spiritual quests more accessible to lay person (other than priests).

Tools to develop Tantra

Tantra can use study, meditation, chakra balancing, specific rituals, an open heart mind, dance, massage, yoga postures, anything that helps one to know oneself to have a better understanding, love for others, humanity, to have a better acceptance of self, others and life, as well as enhancing sexual relationships.

As practised in India, Tantra is a very skillful, deep subject to master, taking years, maybe a lifetime.

In the West, although Tantra practices have been tailored to suit Western consciousness, it is not sex therapy, nor a short-cut to orgies, etc, as this will backfire, causing untold damage. Tantra is not hedonism.


Tantra is not Sex Therapy

A person who needs sexual conselling for specific counselling, needs a well-qualified sex therapist, an expert in their field. Tantra can offer healing, yes, but the onus is on tet person's responsible attitude to seek out harmony and  balance. It is not a quick fix solution, nor an "airy-fairy" New Age dalliance.

Chakras and Karma

A general understanding of chakra systems is quite essential, as a pathway to Tantra, since it is "yogic" in origin; an understanding of how chakras work, is also essential. This is why tantra is not a pick and mix philosophy. Also  understanding what Karma is is crucial, since this is fundamental  to yoga and Tantra. Karma in a nutshell, is about what goes around, comes around, and the consequences your actions and thought out actions may have on others and vice versa.

Altering Consciousness  and Sacred Sex

Tantra can alter people's consciousness for the better. It does not conflict with other religions or philosophies, since its mesage is of acceptance, love and seeing the wider picture, ultimately being responsible for one's actions and thoughts, sex and karma.

The motto for Tantra is "Sex is Sacred, Since life is Sacred, as is the Universe:  Tantra is both intimate and erotic".
Zoraida Catalina Perez-Haddad, 2006



BSY Group
Tantra Course  (lesson 9)

Meridian College
Chakra Healing

Forster M, Manual J,
The Spiritual Teachings of Yoga

Kuriansky Judy
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Tantric Sex

Simpson Liz
Chakra Healing   
Birth of the New Human (Articles)
Ecstasy: The Path to the Soul

Appendix  1:  Bellydance and Tantra
  "Bellydance is an ecstastic celebration of feminine powers, creativity and sexual energy....sensual, snaky actions mimic orgasm and the breathless as a powerful force moving through the body, with the muscular movements  grounding to the earth, and the spinning hands reaching to the sky, connecting earth and sky. Also the pelvic motions mimic the birthing process, connecting you to the source of all life".

(Kuriansky, Judy,  The Complete Idiot's Guide to Tantric Sex, p.192 quoting )