moonstar    Ishtar: dancer, singer, teacher, writer, visionary    moonstar

Goddess Oracle

The effectiveness of all divination procedures works through a process called synchronicity. (From the Greek syn meaning together and chronos meaning time.)

What it means is that random process have a meaning which is significant to the moment. The famous psychologist K.G Jung has explored the subject, his research revealed empirical evidence proving its existence.

For thousands of year's people of all cultures have asked the Goddess for guidance. Ancient people consulted oracles, who where priestesses residing in temples.

The Goddess oracle is a modern, efficient, personal, spiritual and fun way to access the intuitive powers of the higher self.

Please, ask your question, look into my eyes and let the forces of the universe guide me to your TRUTH.

Ishtar: dancer, singer, teacher, writer, visionary

 Click the icon below when you wish to hear your truth with Ishtar's Goddess Oracle

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